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Living with Flashes and Floaters Coping Strategies and Treatment Options

Living with Flashes and Floaters: Coping Strategies and Treatment Options

If you've begun noticing flashes of light or spots drifting across your field of vision, you may have experienced some common age-related changes within your eyes. While rarely indicating a major issue, these symptoms can be annoying or distracting. Here are some coping strategies and potential treatment options offered by our eye doctors at Avery Eye Clinic in The Woodlands, Conroe, and Huntsville, TX.

Understanding the Cause

Flashes, also called photopsia, occur when the vitreous jelly inside the eye rubs against or pulls on the retina. This stimulation of the light-sensing retina translates as a brief burst of light or streak. Floaters are shadows caused by bits of collagen or cells cast onto the retina when the vitreous humor shrinks or becomes more liquid. These changes often first appear as we age, though they can also result from injury or eye conditions. Generally harmless, some find them distracting, especially when reading or driving.

Coping Strategies

While rarely a cause for concern, do report new flashes or increased floaters to your eye doctor to rule out any tear or detachment. Otherwise, some find the following tips helpful in dealing with symptoms:

- Use sufficient ambient lighting to make floaters less noticeable.

- Avoid fixation on symptoms by focusing gaze on the object of interest, rather than the floaters themselves.

- Blink regularly and move eyes side-to-side to disperse floaters in new patterns.

- Consider prescription yellow-tinted glasses to make floaters less visible.

Potential Treatments

In severe cases, doctors may recommend:

- Vitrectomy - surgery to remove vitreous jelly and floaters. Improved surgical techniques make risks low, though possible complications include retinal tear, cataracts, and glaucoma.

- Laser therapy - use of lasers to break up floaters or coagulate retina to prevent tear or detachment. Drawbacks include recurrence of floaters and risks of permanent blind spots or retinal damage.

- Medications - rarely used for floaters, but options like Atropine may temporarily help symptoms. Side effects often outweigh benefits.

Living with The Symptoms

Most cases of mild flashes and floaters resolve on their own without treatment as the brain learns to tune out symptoms. Speak to your eye doctor if they worsen or impact your vision. Our eye care specialists at Avery Eye Clinic can evaluate your case and discuss options for management.

Are you looking for an eye doctor near you? If you have concerns about your eye health and live in or around The Woodlands, Conroe, or Huntsville, schedule an appointment with one of our eye doctors at Avery Eye Clinic. With proper monitoring and coping strategies, you can successfully adapt to these common age-related changes.

Avery Eye Clinic


Conroe Location

Monday - Thursday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Saturday, Sunday

Huntsville Location

Monday - Thursday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday - Sunday

The Woodlands Location

Monday - Thursday
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Saturday, Sunday

The material contained on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider.